"An Accident takes us on a roller-coaster of emotion. It’s all here: guilt, sorrow, remorse, fear, shame, longing and desire. ...It’s powerful and riveting theater."

-Clinton Stark

Stark Silver Creek

Photos by Rob Melrose


Rob Melrose

by Lydia Stryk
Magic Theater

Loretta Greco, Artistic Director

April 23 - May 9, 2010

Directed by Rob Melrose
Set and Costume Design by Erik Flatmo
Lighting Design by York Kennedy
Sound Design by Sarah Huddleson
Video Design by York Kennedy

​Featuring Arwen Anderson and Tim Kniffin

Director • Translator • Playwright     

"Rob Melrose’s direction make this one of the most richly realistic, while sweetly ironic productions Magic has put up since Loretta Greco took over as Artistic Director."

-Albert Goodwyn


"Seamlessly choreographed by director Rob Melrose...

In every respect, Flatmo's austere set perfectly reflects the spare, concentrated poetry of Stryk's language while heightening the focus on the woman in the bed.  Melrose, artistic director of the impressive Cutting Ball Theater, enhances the multilayered dance of disability, confrontation and healing with fluid stagings that extend to the savvy use of an orderly to make necessary scene changes."  

-Rob Hurwitt

The San Francisco Chronicle